Nino Potskhverashvili

    Gastroenterologist • General practitioner
    Russian, Georgian


    Since childhood, as soon as I began to comprehend this world, I remember playing doctor and patient with my grandmother. I "treated" my grandmother, then the flowers, trees, birds, animals, and so on. I dreamed of becoming a good doctor.

    I have become a doctor, and I can say that I love my profession very much. I was fortunate first at the university, where I studied under some of the best teachers in the world. Then, I had the opportunity to continue my education in Moscow, where I was taught by the best specialists globally. Subsequently, I had the chance to work with them at the University Hospital. I gained extensive experience as both a medical professional and a research fellow at the university.

    For me, there is no specific field that I love more. Just as the human body is a unified whole, and individual organs cannot function without each other, I see every problem and strive to identify all the causes and manifestations of the disease, finding the best solution for the patient.

    You can come to me with any discomfort or pain in the abdomen related to digestion or stool, problems with the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, as well as respiratory system issues, chronic cough, shortness of breath, unexplained lung changes, and generally any complaints you consider important to discuss with a doctor.

    Looking forward to meeting you at the appointment!


    2011 — Tbilisi State Medical University, Medical Faculty 
    2012 — First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Internship, Therapy Residency at Clinical Hospital No. 1
    2014 — First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Residency, Gastroenterology at Clinical Hospital No. 2
    2015 — Continuing Education Programs, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Pulmonology 
    2019 — Successfully defended a dissertation and obtained the academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences: "Excessive Bacterial Growth Syndrome in Patients with Bronchial Asthma"

    Scientific activity

    I am the author and co-author of numerous articles published in European and Russian medical journals. I am a member of European and Russian gastroenterological, therapeutic, and pulmonological communities.


    2014-2023 — General Practitioner, Pulmonologist, Assistant Professor at the Department of Pulmonology, Clinical Hospital No. 2, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
    2015-2022 — Gastroenterologist, MEDSI Clinic
    2023 — General Practitioner, Gastroenterologist, Chaika Tbilisi, Tbilisi